(medizinische und wissenschaftliche Texte)

Dr. med. Gerald Hanf (ausgewählte Arbeiten)
Noga O, Hanf G, Kunkel G, Kleine-Tebbe J. Basophil Histamine Release Decreases during
Omalizumab Therapy in Allergic Asthmatics. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2007 Dec 14;146(1):66-
Hanf G, Brachmann I, Kleine-Tebbe J, Seybold J, Kunkel G, Suttorp N, Noga O. Omalizumab
decreased IgE-release and induced changes in cellular immunity in patients with allergic
asthma. Allergy. 2006 Sep;61(9):1141-4.
Noga O, Hanf G, Brachmann I, Klucken AC, Kleine-Tebbe J, Rosseau S, Kunkel G, Suttorp N,
Seybold J. Effect of omalizumab treatment on peripheral eosinophil and T-lymphocyte function
in patients with allergic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Jun;117(6):1493-9.
Noga O, Hanf G, Görges D, Dinh QT, Groneberg DA, Suttorp N, Kunkel G. Regulation of NGF
and BDNF by dexamethasone and theophylline in human peripheral eosinophils in allergics
and non-allergics. Regul Pept. 2005 Dec 15;132(1-3):74-9.
Rost B, Hanf G, Ohnemus U, Otto-Knapp R, Groneberg DA, Kunkel G, Noga O. Monocytes of
allergics and non-allergics produce, store and release the neurotrophins NGF, BDNF and NT-3.
Regul Pept. 2005 Jan 15;124(1-3):19-25.
Hanf G, Noga O, O’Connor A, Kunkel G. Omalizumab inhibits allergen challenge-induced nasal
response. Eur Respir J. 2004 Mar;23(3):414-8.
Noga O, Hanf G, Kunkel G. Immunological and clinical changes in allergic asthmatics following
treatment with omalizumab. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 May;131(1):46-52.
Hanf G, Schierhorn K, Brunnée T, Noga O, Verges D, Kunkel G. Substance P induced histamine
release from nasal mucosa of subjects with and without allergic rhinitis. Inflamm Res. 2000
Mehr als 20 weitere Aufsätze in medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften
und Büchern (Originalarbeiten, Übersichtsartikel und Buchbeiträge)
Dr. med. Dietmar A. Herold
Kleine-Tebbe J, Ribel M, Herold DA. Safety of a SQ-standardised grass allergen tablet for
sublingual immunotherapy: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Allergy. 2006
Kleine-Tebbe J, Herold DA. Kreuzreaktive Allergenkluster bei pollenassoziierter
Nahrungsmittelallergie. Hautarzt 2003;54130-137.
Herold DA, Albrecht G. Lokale Lipohypertrophie nach Insulin-Behandlung.
Hautarzt 1993;44(1):40-2.
Herold DA, Wahl R, Maasch HJ, Hausen BM, Kunkel G. Occupational
wood-dust sensitivity from Euonymus europaeus (spindle tree) and investigation
of cross reactivity between E. e.
wood and Artemisia vulgaris pollen (mugwort).
Allergy 1991;46(3):186-90.
Kunkel G, Nigam S, Herold D, Jusuf L, Albright DL. Arachidonic
acid metabolites and their circadian rhythm in patients with allergic
bronchial asthma.
Chronobiol Int 1988;5(4):387-94.
Nigam S, Kunkel G, Herold D, Baumer FE, Jusuf L. Nasal polyps
and their content of arachidonic acid metabolites. N Engl Reg Allergy
Proc 1986;7(2):109-12.